Half-Orc Name Generator
Katarina Shadowstripe
Their legs are tattooed.
Ideal: All that matters is mystical knowledge.
Flaw: They steal food even when they are not hungry.
Bond: They swore to defend an orphanage from monsters.
“Come try this fresh baked bread!”
Virginia Laroque
They struggle to remember faces.
Ideal: Anything is possible with a sword at your side.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about porters.
Bond: They consider the local tavern to be their home.
“All I trust in this world is my dog and my sword.”
Blake Stormtiger
They wear an abundance of makeup.
Ideal: To see their people in their rightful place as rulers.
Flaw: They will argue with anyone.
Bond: They trust that their deity will guide their actions.
“It's been ages since we danced.”
Brenda Dempsy
They wear a leather mantle around their shoulders.
Ideal: They will leave the world a better place than they found it.
Flaw: They never consider others' emotions.
Bond: They hunt in the darkest dungeons to keep their community safe.
“I heard there were fell tidings coming out of the west.”
Tiatha Clarke
They have a foreign quality to their voice.
Ideal: They would do anything to gan entry into academia.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about social gatherings.
Bond: They once sailed the seas as a prisoner.
“I keep hitting them but they keep getting back up!”
Elisha Jayid
They are missing the forefinger of their left hand.
Ideal: Their purpose is to serve.
Flaw: They constantly obsess over matters of rival states.
Bond: They travel the place with a pack of wolves.
“Is it warm in here or is it me?”
Fiana Marshall
They carry an antique arquebus at their hip.
Ideal: The fight against good is never ending, and they are ever-vigilant.
Flaw: They enjoy meddling in the affairs of others.
Bond: They will do whatever it takes to prove they are the strongest.
“May your god have mercy on you, for I will not.”
Lara Darwin
They wear a beautiful jade bracelet on their right hand.
Ideal: All that matters is protecting their lords from harm.
Flaw: They mutter their shopping list during inopportune moments.
Bond: A bank forclosed on their home, and they desperately seek funds to repay them.
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
Parker Roberts
They wear a pair of tattered leather boots.
Ideal: Power comes to those brave enough to seize it.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about humans.
Bond: They are deeply in love with their best friend.
“The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit.”
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Half-Orc Name Generator with portraits, professions, and personality
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