Object, very rare
Fifteen pages of an erotic story bound in thin leather. It's about a woman who falls in love with a creature from space.
Fifteen pages of an erotic story bound in thin leather. It's about a woman who falls in love with a creature from space.
Small doll
Object, common
It's made of burlap and filled with hard corn.
It's made of burlap and filled with hard corn.
Object, common
A long piece of wire.
A long piece of wire.
Bag of magic beans
Wondrous Item, very rare
Someone paid real gold for these...
Someone paid real gold for these...
Sad Note
Object, common
A note from someone about the death of a family member.
A note from someone about the death of a family member.
Gem dust
Object, very rare
A small pouch that can be worn upon a belt contains some ground up gems. Worth money? Who knows!?
A small pouch that can be worn upon a belt contains some ground up gems. Worth money? Who knows!?
Death notice
Object, rare
A finely written letter revealing that a Mr. Andrus Beroc has passed away.
A finely written letter revealing that a Mr. Andrus Beroc has passed away.
Bad poetry
Object, rare
A piece of parchment with a really, really bad poem written upon it.
A piece of parchment with a really, really bad poem written upon it.
Jewel inlaid headband
Object, very rare
It's a headband worn by women, with sparkling jewels throughout. Worth at least 50 gp
It's a headband worn by women, with sparkling jewels throughout. Worth at least 50 gp
Mundane Items designed by
Item Generator with objects for dungeons and NPCs
The Mundane Item Generator provides a mix of random objects ranging from mundane to weird. It's perfect for quickly finding things you might see in a dungeon, town, or other location. It's also useful for filling the pockets of your NPCs.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!