Curse of Frank
The caster of this moderate magick may shout a crushing crystal.
Level | 4 |
Area of effect | An area no larger than your tent |
Range | Anywhere in the same continent |
Damage | Enough to slow down a troll |
Duration | 2 hours |
Casting ritual | Stare unblinking at the target for 2 minutes |
Recharge | Perform the complex movements with your arms |
Wild magic effect | From now on, you have recurring nightmares about a ravenous ifrit. |
The Duplicating Invocation
The caster of this moderate magick may embody a rat clay.
Level | 4 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a wagon |
Range | Anywhere in the same region |
Damage | 21 hit points |
Duration | Until the temperature changes at dusk |
Casting ritual | Perform the ritual song |
Recharge | Compose a short song and perform it |
Wild magic effect | You lose all your teeth |
Gert's Cloak
The caster of this moderate magick may hurl a transmuting cloak.
Level | 5 |
Area of effect | The entire planet |
Range | Across dimensions |
Damage | Enough to take seriously |
Duration | 2 hours |
Casting ritual | Stare unblinking at the target for 3 minutes |
Recharge | Rest by an open fire with someone you trust |
Wild magic effect | You find that your teeth have all transformed into sharp points. |
Daemon of the Stone Throne
The caster of this minor magick may project a wood throne.
Level | 2 |
Area of effect | An area the size of a puddle |
Range | Anywhere in the same region |
Damage | Similar to a bruised arm |
Duration | For about as long as it takes to recite a short poem |
Casting ritual | Quaff the grey elixir |
Recharge | Recite a well-known poem from memory without interruption |
Wild magic effect | You develop 3 extra noses. |
Sam's Enraging Spell
The caster of this major magick may embody an avenging swarm.
Level | 9 |
Area of effect | The entire cosmos |
Range | 3 feet |
Damage | Like being bitten by an ancient reptile |
Duration | Until all civilizations fade to myth |
Casting ritual | Walk the leylines surrounding the area for 5 days |
Recharge | Capture a sparrow and feed it for 1 days |
Wild magic effect | Your nose turns scarlet. |
The Concealing Embrace
The caster of this minor magick may summon a transporting form.
Level | 1 |
Area of effect | 4 targets |
Range | In your line of sight |
Damage | Similar to a small gust of wind |
Duration | For as long as you can stand on one foot |
Casting ritual | Snap your fingers clearly |
Recharge | Hear the sound of the sparrow's call |
Wild magic effect | You develop a strong attraction to sandworms. |
The Intoxicating Hex of Danforth
The caster of this minor magick may bring forth a consuming moment.
Level | 1 |
Area of effect | An area the size of 1 wagons |
Range | As far as a cat leaps |
Damage | Quite forgettable |
Duration | Only a few minutes |
Casting ritual | Stare unblinking at the target for 1 seconds |
Recharge | Pluck a stone from a running river |
Wild magic effect | Everywhere you go, you leave a violet slime trail. |
The Reflecting Hex
The caster of this major magick may will a phasing loop.
Level | 8 |
Area of effect | An area no larger than three fighting beggars |
Range | Anywhere in the same town |
Damage | Enough to drain even the most distinguished wizards |
Duration | Until the next time you cast a spell |
Casting ritual | Utter the magic phrase, combine the components, perform the ritual dance, and think only of the outcome you desire without being interrupted |
Recharge | Run fingers through the flowing water of the lost river of hubur |
Wild magic effect | You will rise as an undead basilisk after you die. |
Burgundy Negation
The caster of this major magick may speak a regenerating negation.
Level | 9 |
Area of effect | An area no larger than your tent |
Range | As far as you damn well please |
Damage | 55 hit points |
Duration | Until the next lunar eclipse |
Casting ritual | Maintain unbroken eye contact with the target for 1 hours |
Recharge | Wait for 1 days |
Wild magic effect | You develop an unseemly fascination with hands. |
Spells designed by
Spell Generator with casting rituals, descriptions, and wild magic effects
The Spell Generator brings old-school, soft magic flavour to your fantasy roleplaying games. Use them as inspiration for your own original spell designs, to spice up a monster, or add magical effects to dungeons. The wild magic effects can be used by themselves or as catastrophes that strike the careless wizard who fails to perform the proper rituals!
Some spells include content from Maze Rats by Ben Milton. Used with permission under the CC BY 4.0 license.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!