Potion Of Royal Assembling
Potion, rare
See five minutes into the future.
Brewed from Honeycomb
Lasts for 1 day. Has a champagne color.
Side effects: Can't stop thinking up really bad puns.
Brewed from Honeycomb
Lasts for 1 day. Has a champagne color.
Side effects: Can't stop thinking up really bad puns.
Broth Of Strapping
Potion, very rare
A full night's rest in an instant.
Brewed from Human Flesh
Lasts for 5 minutes. Has a puce color.
Side effects: Turn into a skeleton for duration.
Brewed from Human Flesh
Lasts for 5 minutes. Has a puce color.
Side effects: Turn into a skeleton for duration.
Matching Tonic
Potion, rare
Resist exceedingly hot temperatures.
Brewed from Histcarp
Lasts for 20 seconds. Has a maroon color.
Side effects: Uncontrollable belching.
Brewed from Histcarp
Lasts for 20 seconds. Has a maroon color.
Side effects: Uncontrollable belching.
Tonic Of Prudent Coming
Potion, legendary
Sense all traps within 20 feet.
Brewed from Sabre Cat Tooth, Chaurus Eggs, Scathecraw
Lasts for 1 minute. Has a asparagus color.
Side effects: Allergic to fur.
Brewed from Sabre Cat Tooth, Chaurus Eggs, Scathecraw
Lasts for 1 minute. Has a asparagus color.
Side effects: Allergic to fur.
Flask Of The Hammer
Potion, artifact
Attract bugs within 500 feet.
Brewed from Moon Sugar
Lasts for 1 day. Has a titanium color.
Side effects: Terrible with names.
Brewed from Moon Sugar
Lasts for 1 day. Has a titanium color.
Side effects: Terrible with names.
Draught Of Plush Suggesting
Potion, rare
Morph into a centaur.
Brewed from Snowberries, Purple Mountain Flower
Lasts for 4 hours. Has a maroon color.
Side effects: Toenails fall off.
Brewed from Snowberries, Purple Mountain Flower
Lasts for 4 hours. Has a maroon color.
Side effects: Toenails fall off.
Phial Of Suggesting
Potion, artifact
Rids the body of exhaustion.
Brewed from Boar Tusk
Lasts for 5 minutes. Has a myrtle color.
Side effects: Seriously dancing.
Brewed from Boar Tusk
Lasts for 5 minutes. Has a myrtle color.
Side effects: Seriously dancing.
Vial Of Measly Disliking
Potion, very rare
Vanish 100 gallons worth of water.
Brewed from Agrimony
Lasts for 30 minutes. Has a champagne color.
Side effects: Weep anytime someone says the name of your mother.
Brewed from Agrimony
Lasts for 30 minutes. Has a champagne color.
Side effects: Weep anytime someone says the name of your mother.
Spinal Concotion
Potion, very rare
Can cast one new cantrip from the arcane spells.
Brewed from Glowstone Dust, Magma cream, Hagraven Claw
Lasts for 1 minute. Has a chocolate color.
Side effects: Vomit. A lot.
Brewed from Glowstone Dust, Magma cream, Hagraven Claw
Lasts for 1 minute. Has a chocolate color.
Side effects: Vomit. A lot.
Potions designed by
Potion Generator with ingredients, effects, and side effects
The Potion Generator concocts magical brews to add flavour to your story. It includes potion names, ingredients, duration, and color. You'll have a lot of fun reading the effects and side effects then thinking up how to work them into your story.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!