Plot Hooks
A Stone's Throw
During his crowning ceremony, the Prince is struck in the head by a stone thrown from the crowd, his wound is great and falls into coma.
Ismael Fae, the King's brother, immediately claims the throne as his nephew is no longer capable of ruling. Samir Lighthands claims there is civil war on the horizon unless someone can heal the boy's wounds and prove the Uncle's involvement.
Mimic Mania
A dungeon is filled with nothing but mimics. That chest is a mimic, that torch is a mimic, the dungeons itself? Naaaah, couldn't be, right?
Bernie Hamid was bitten by a mimic.
The Tunnels
The Queen snuck out of the castle in the dead of night. She was seen entering a nearby mine, and has been lost among the maze like tunnels. It's up to a party of adventurers to find her.
Deilos James thinks the Queen may be under hypnosis.
The Troll
A troll has been terrorizing nearby villages.
Brittany Roderick saw the troll speaking to a man who looked like a wizard.
A Matter of Great Import
You have been tasked by a local council of halflings to solve a dispute before the different tribes go to war with one another. There was no clear winner in this year's brewing and weed growing competition, and it is up to you, as unbiased outsiders, to judge the competition.
Sophie Sybil invites you for tea, and speaks to you about how talented her son is at brewing and offers you a taste of his latest batch. Galvur Reddy offers to escort you around the village so that you might avoid the unsavoury areas which happen to be the breweries not run by his cousin.
A Fungus Among Us
Odd mushrooms have sprouted up in the forest. And on anyone who touches them. Those infected seem to be acting...strangely.
Maz Korsk has one of the mushrooms growing on their forehead.
Off Day!
There's nothing to do today! Absolutely nothing!
Roan El-Hasan said something, but you don't even need to listen!
A man accused of stealing horses insists that he's being framed.
Lara Mowbry thinks that Heidi Vinder might be the real horse thief.
The Murder
A large murder of crows descends upon the city you are in. They watch you as you walk through the streets.
Falk Echols says that crows are a bad omen. Elise Carter hates birds.
Plot Hooks designed by
Plot Hook Generator with character interactions
The Plot Hook Generator provides ideas to seed your stories and quests. It also includes interactions with NPCs to help ease you into roleplaying.
The Plot Hooks were designed by LoreCraft. If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!