Plot Hooks
Everlasting Life
A mysterious stranger is willing to sell a potion that he says grants everlasting life, for the low low price of 1,000 gp.
Sisco Shalamayne is thinking about trying to raise the money needed.
Into the Unknown
You are being chased through the dungeon by a horde of monsters. You come to a final room with no exits but for one swirling red portal which leads to lands unknown.
Magda Greenleaf, your guide, does not wish to enter any unknown portals.
The Death Screech
A painful screech went up from a nearby mountain a few days ago. Most think the dragon is dead, but no one is willing to go and investigate.
Blake AnaanShan would go, but they have a bum leg, or so they claim.
The Chosen
A young boy is being sought out. It is believed he is the only one who can destroy a great evil.
Olivier Weston worked with a group to hide the boy so none could find him.
The Translators
A foreigner is looking for translators on his journey to a mysterious land.
Marcus Poots almost decided to go with the foreigner.
The Yeti
A mysterious beast with white hair has been seen nearby. It's roars can be heard at night.
Shangela Rook is going to hunt the animal down.
Goblins have come to town looking for money and supplies to be donated for their years of suffering at the hands of the townspeople.
Olivier Oak is on the goblin's side.
A small water based parasite has been attaching itself to people who swim in a nearby lake. Once attached, they can control the bodies of their hosts.
Katarina Maelor is convinced they're the only person in town not possessed.
False Idol
For generations, the people of this valley have given an offering to a local deity on a hill, and a good harvest and prosperity have followed. Recently, the locals erected a monument at the place of offering. Since then, their crops have begun to fail.
Akasha Briggs believes the offerings of food were wasteful, and that the monument is a more permanent showing of their devotion. Jakob Thom fears the monument was a mistake, and now a larger show of devotion is necessary.
Plot Hooks designed by
Plot Hook Generator with character interactions
The Plot Hook Generator provides ideas to seed your stories and quests. It also includes interactions with NPCs to help ease you into roleplaying.
The Plot Hooks were designed by LoreCraft. If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!