Spiderbite Daggers

Weapon (dagger), rare
This pair of daggers is made using the harvested fangs of a large, venomous spider. When you hit the…
Windswept Wyvernplate

Armor (half plate), rare
(requires attunement)
This half plate armor seems to grow lighter when you inhale. You can hold your breath at any point t…
Gateway Ring

Ring, very rare
Made from tiny, moss-covered stones, this ring is enchanted with ancient fey magic. You can use an a…
Wild Dice

Wondrous item, rare
This set of two chipped and weathered wood six-sided dice are infused with unpredictable magic. They…
Godsteel Wargauntlets

Wondrous item, legendary
(requires attunement)
These golden gauntlets carry a powerful force within them. The gauntlets have 10 charges. While wear…
Arcanist Gauntlets

Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement)
This pair of rich silk gloves are guarded by an enchanted mithral shell that sporadically releases a…
Chronomancer's Eyepiece

Wondrous item, very rare
(requires attunement)
This singular lens lets you faintly see and command the flow of time around a target. The eyepiece h…
Thunderous Flail

Weapon (flail), rare
(requires attunement)
This flail has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended charges each day at dawn. You can expend 1 charge …
Champion's Greatbow

Weapon (longbow), rare
This large bow is wrought from the boughs of an old, resilient tree. Its wooden frame is exceptional…
Magic Items designed by
Magic Item Generator compatible with DnD 5e
The Items Generator provides a random sample of carefully balanced magic items for dnd 5e that were generously provided by The Griffon's Saddlebag. These items are OGL-compatible and are only a fraction of the hundreds of exclusive items available to you when you support them on Patreon.
If you want to use any of the content, please read the terms first. Happy adventuring!