Tiefling Name Generator
Mary Weatherby

They are always joking.
Ideal: Revelry in chaos is the ultimate achevement.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about humans.
Bond: They once sailed the seas as a pirate.
“Sometimes I like taking long walks in the forest.”
Emily Wildfire

They have gorgeous green eyes.
Ideal: The only constant in this world is change.
Flaw: They covet the lifestyle of a mysterious sorcerer.
Bond: They swore to sail around the world.
“Food, ale, and a fire - what more could I want?”
Alendra Cunningham

They carry a small child on their back.
Ideal: All that matters is the king is happy.
Flaw: They have tremendous difficulty with learning new tasks.
Bond: They secretly wish to overthrow the local ruler.
“What's your favorite kind of dish?”
Hana Mulgrew

Their hair never moves, even in a strong wind.
Ideal: They are drawn to protect places of beauty.
Flaw: They are obsessed with an abominable elder god.
Bond: They hunt in the night to provide for their community.
“What's your opinion on the current illithid crisis?”
Kirsten Lachlan

They wear fine lace gloves.
Ideal: The true path to power is military strength.
Flaw: They have a terrible singing voice, of which they are oblivious.
Bond: They secretly wish their nation would march to war.
“What are ya buyin', stranger?”
Sahin Weston

They frequently sing-talk.
Ideal: War is the default peace the exception.
Flaw: They seek a worthy opponent to defeat them in a child's game.
Bond: They abandoned their community to become rich.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies dead, that's what I always say.”
Zaeim Mehmed

A tamed wolverine walks by their side.
Ideal: Blood runs thicker than water.
Flaw: They covet the wealth of a neighbor.
Bond: They swore to improve the lives of others.
“You goatish fly-bitten dewberry!”
Bella Ghani

They have mysterious purple eyes.
Ideal: Without honor they are nothing.
Flaw: They have a strong paranoia about alcohol.
Bond: A bank forclosed on their home, and they desperately seek funds to repay them.
“Between you and me -- I get lost way too easily.”
Fribbington Rucker

Their complexion has a slightly blue tinge to it.
Ideal: Friends are a liability.
Flaw: They pay no respect to the Gods.
Bond: They swore to bring about the destruction of a nearby city.
“This ale tastes like dirt.”
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