Library Automaton
Library Automaton
Small construct, lawful neutral
- Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
- Hit Points 7 (2d6)
- Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1) - DEX
13 (+1) - CON
10 (+0) - INT
14 (+2) - WIS
12 (+1) - CHA
8 (-1)
- Skills History +4, Investigation +4
- Damage Immunities poison
- Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
- Senses blindsight 60 ft., truesight 10 ft., passive Perception 11
- Languages Common, Machine Speech
- Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
- Extra-Dimensional Book Repository. A small door on the chest of the library automaton opens into an extra-dimensional bookcase. This bookcase functions exactly as a bag of holding except that it can store only written materials such as books, scrolls, tomes, parchment, folders, notebooks, spellbooks, and the like.
- Gaze of Confusion. The library automaton chooses one creature it can see within 40 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw or take 9 (3d4 + 2) psychic damage and have disadvantage on Intelligence-based checks, saving throws, and attacks until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw succeeds, then the target takes half damage and suffers no other effect.
- Bibliotelekinesis. This ability functions as the cantrip mage hand but can be used only on books, scrolls, maps, and other printed or written materials.