D&D 5th Edition Monster List
Name | Type | Description | Source |
Aatxe | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Aboleth | aberration | Large aberration, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Aboleth, Nihilith | undead | Large undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Abominable Beauty | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Accursed Defiler | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Acid Ant | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Acolyte | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Black Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Blue Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Brass Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Bronze Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Cave Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Copper Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Flame Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Gold Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Green Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Light Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Adult Mithral Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Red Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Rime Worm | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Sea Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Silver Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Void Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Adult Wasteland Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Adult White Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Adult Wind Dragon | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Agnibarra | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ahu-Nixta | aberration | Large aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Ahuizotl | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Air Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Akyishigal, Demon Lord Of Cockroaches | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Al-Aeshma Genie | elemental | Large elemental, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ala | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Alabaster Tree | celestial | Huge celestial, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Albino Death Weasel | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Alchemical Apprentice | ooze | Small ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Alchemical Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Alchemist Archer | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Alehouse Drake | dragon | Tiny dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Algorith | construct | Medium construct, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Alkonost | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Alliumite | plant | Small plant, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Alnaar | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Alp | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Alpha Yek | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Alquam, Demon Lord Of Night | fiend | Huge fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Alseid | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Alseid Grovekeeper | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Altar Flame Golem | construct | Large construct, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ammut | celestial | Large celestial, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Amphiptere | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Black Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Blue Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Brass Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Bronze Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Copper Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Flame Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Gold Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Green Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Light Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Ancient Mandriano | plant | Huge plant, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Ancient Mithral Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Red Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Sea Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Silver Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Titan | celestial | Gargantuan celestial, neutral good. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Void Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ancient Wasteland Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Ancient White Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ancient Wind Dragon | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Andrenjinyi | celestial | Gargantuan celestial, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Androsphinx | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Angatra | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Angel, Chained | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Angler Worm | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Animated Armor | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ankheg | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ankou Soul Herald | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ankou Soul Seeker | dragon | Large dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Anophiloi | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Anubian | elemental | Medium elemental, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Apau Perape | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ape | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Arbeyach | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Arborcyte | plant | Large plant, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Arboreal Grappler | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Arcamag | monstrosity | Tiny monstrosity, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Arcanaphage | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Archaeopteryx | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Archmage | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Aridni | fey | Small fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Armory Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Asanbosam | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ash Drake | dragon | Small dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Assassin | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-good alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Astral Snapper | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Automata Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Avatar Of Boreas | elemental | Medium elemental, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Avatar of Shoth | aberration | Gargantuan aberration, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Awakened Shrub | plant | Small plant, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Awakened Tree | plant | Huge plant, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Axe Beak | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Azeban | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Azer | elemental | Medium elemental, lawful neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Azi Dahaka | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Azza Gremlin | fey | Small fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Black Night | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Bright Day | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Baba Yaga's Horsemen, Red Sun | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Baboon | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Badger | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bagiennik | aberration | Medium aberration, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Balor | fiend | Huge fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bandit | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-lawful alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bandit Captain | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-lawful alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bandit Lord | humanoid | Medium Humanoid (Any Race), any non-lawful. | Tome of Beasts |
Bar Brawl | humanoids | Huge humanoids, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Barbed Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Barong | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Basilisk | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bastet Temple Cat | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Bat | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bathhouse Drake | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Bear King | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Bearded Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bearfolk | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic good. | Tome of Beasts |
Bearfolk Chieftain | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Bearmit Crab | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Beggar Ghoul | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Behir | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Behtu | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Beli | fey | Small fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bereginyas | fey | Tiny fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Berserker | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any chaotic alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Berstuc | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bilwis | elemental | Medium elemental, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Black Bear | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Black Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Black Knight Commander | humanoid | Medium Humanoid (Any Race), lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Black Pudding | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Black Sun Orc | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Black Sun Priestess | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Blemmyes | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Blink Dog | fey | Medium fey, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Blood Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Blood Giant | giant | Huge giant, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Blood Hag | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Blood Hawk | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Blood Ooze | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Blood Zombie | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Bloody Bones | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Blue Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Boar | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Boloti | fey | Tiny fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bone Collective | undead | Small undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bone Crab | beast | Small beast, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Bone Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bone Golem | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Bone Swarm | swarm of tiny undead | Large swarm of Tiny undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bonepowder Ghoul | undead | Small undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bookkeeper | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Boot Grabber | aberration | Small aberration, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Bouda | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Brass Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bronze Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bronze Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Broodiken | construct | Tiny construct, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Brown Bear | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bucca | fey | Tiny fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bugbear | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Bukavac | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Bulette | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Buraq | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | Tome of Beasts |
Burrowling | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Cactid | plant | Large plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Cacus Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Camazotz, Demon Lord Of Bats And Fire | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Cambium | fiend | Large fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Camel | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Carbuncle | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Carrion Beetle | beast | Large beast, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Cat | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Cats of Ulthar | beasts | Huge beasts, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Cauldronborn | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Cave Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Cave Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Cavelight Moss | plant | Large plant, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Centaur | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Centaur Chieftain | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Chain Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Chaos-Spawn Goblin | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Chelicerae | aberration | Large aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Chernomoi | fey | Tiny fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Child Of The Briar | plant | Tiny plant, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Child of Yggdrasil | aberration | Large aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Chimera | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Chort Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Chronalmental | elemental | Large elemental, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Chuhaister | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Chupacabra | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Chuul | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Cikavak | fey | Tiny fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Cipactli | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
City Watch Captain | humanoid | Medium Humanoid (Any Race), lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Clacking Skeleton | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Clay Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Cloaker | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Clockwork Abomination | construct | Large construct, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Assassin | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Beetle | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Beetle Swarm | swarm of tiny constructs | Large Swarm of Tiny constructs, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Hound | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Huntsman | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Myrmidon | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Clockwork Servant | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Soldier | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Watchman | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Cloud Giant | giant | Huge giant, neutral good (50%) or neutral evil (50%). | 5th Edition SRD |
Clurichaun | fey | Tiny fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Cobbleswarm | swarm of tiny monstrosities | Medium swarm of Tiny monstrosities, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Cockatrice | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Commoner | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Constrictor Snake | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Copper Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Coral Drake | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Corpse Mound | undead | Huge undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Corpse Thief | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Corrupting Ooze | ooze | Large ooze, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Couatl | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Crab | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Crimson Drake | dragon | Tiny dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Crimson Mist | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Crocodile | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Crypt Spider | beast | Medium beast, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Crystalline Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Cueyatl | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Moon Priest | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Sea Priest | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Warrior | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Cult Fanatic | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-good alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Cultist | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-good alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Darakhul High Priestess | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Darakhul Shadowmancer | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Dark Eye | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Dark Father | undead | Large undead, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Dark Servant | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Dark Voice | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Darkmantle | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dau | fey | Small fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Death Butterfly Swarm | swarm of tiny beasts | Large swarm of tiny beasts, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Death Dog | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Deathcap Myconid | plant | Medium plant, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deathsworn Elf | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Deathwisp | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deep Drake | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin) | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Deep One | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deep One Archimandrite | humanoid | Large humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deep One Hybrid Priest | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Deer | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Degenerate Titan | giant | Huge giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Derro Fetal Savant | humanoid | Tiny humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Derro Shadow Antipaladin | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Desert Giant | giant | Huge giant, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Desert Troll | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Deva | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Devil Bough | fiend | Huge fiend, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Devil Shark | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Devilbound Gnomish Prince | humanoid | Small Humanoid, any evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Dhampir | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Dhampir Commander | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Dipsa | ooze | Tiny ooze, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Dire Wolf | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dissimortuum | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Djinni | elemental | Large elemental, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dogmole | beast | Medium beast, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Dogmole Juggernaut | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Domovoi | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Doom Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Doppelganger | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Doppelrat | monstrosity | Tiny monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Dorreq | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Dracotaur | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Draft Horse | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dragon Eel | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Dragon Turtle | dragon | Gargantuan dragon, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dragonleaf Tree | plant | Large plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Drakon | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Dream Eater | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Dream Squire | fey | Medium fey, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Dream Wraith | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Dretch | fiend | Small fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Drider | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Droth | aberration | Huge aberration, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Drow | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Drowned Maiden | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Druid | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dryad | fey | Medium fey, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Duergar | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dullahan | fey | Large fey, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Dune Mimic | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Duskthorn Dryad | fey | Medium fey, chaotic. | Tome of Beasts |
Dust Goblin | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Dust Goblin Chieftain | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Dust Mephit | elemental | Small elemental, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Dvarapala | giant | Huge giant, any alignment (as its patron deity). | Creature Codex |
Dwarven Ringmage | humanoid | Medium Humanoid, any. | Tome of Beasts |
Eagle | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Eala | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Earth Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Eater Of Dust (Yakat-Shi) | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Echo | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Ecstatic Bloom | celestial | Huge celestial, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Edimmu | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Edjet | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Eel Hound | fey | Medium fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Efreeti | elemental | Large elemental, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Einherjar | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Elder Ghost Boar | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Elder Shadow Drake | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Eleinomae | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Elemental Locus | elemental | Gargantuan elemental, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Elementalist | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Elephant | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Elite Kobold | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Elk | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Elophar | undead | Large undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Elvish Veteran Archer | humanoid | Medium Humanoid, chaotic good or chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Emerald Eye | construct | Tiny construct, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Emerald Order Cult Leader | humanoid | Medium Humanoid (any race), lawful neutral or evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Emperor Of The Ghouls | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Empty Cloak | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Enchanter | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Eonic Drifter | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Erina Defender | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Erina Scrounger | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Erinyes | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ettercap | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ettin | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Execrable Shrub | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Exploding Toad | monstrosity | Tiny monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Eye Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Eye of the Gods | celestial | Small celestial, any alignment (as its creator deity). | Creature Codex |
Fang of the Great Wolf | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Far Darrig | fey | Small fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Far Wanderer | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Fate Eater | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Fear Liath | undead | Large undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Fear Smith | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Fellforged | construct | Medium construct, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Fext | undead | Medium undead, any alignment. | Tome of Beasts |
Fey Drake | dragon | Small dragon, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Feyward Tree | construct | Huge construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Fidele Angel | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | Tome of Beasts |
Fierstjerren | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Fire Dancer Swarm | swarm of tiny elementals | Medium swarm of Tiny elementals, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Fire Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Fire Giant | giant | Huge giant, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Fire Imp | fiend | Tiny fiend, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Firebird | celestial | Small celestial, neutral good. | Tome of Beasts |
Firegeist | elemental | Small elemental, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Flab Giant | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Flame Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Flame Eater Swarm | beasts | Medium beasts, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Flame-Scourged Scion | aberration | Huge aberration, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Flesh Golem | construct | Medium construct, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Flesh Reaver | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Fleshpod Hornet | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Flutterflesh | undead | Large undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Flying Polyp | aberration | Huge aberration, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Flying Snake | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Flying Sword | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Folk Of Leng | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Forest Drake | dragon | Small dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Forest Marauder | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Foxfire Ooze | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Foxin | fey | Small fey, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Fractal Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Fragrite | elemental | Medium elemental, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Fraughashar | fey | Small fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Frog | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Frost Giant | giant | Huge giant, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Frostveil | plant | Medium plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Fulad-Zereh | fiend | Huge fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Fulminar | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Gaki | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Gargoctopus | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Gargoyle | elemental | Medium elemental, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Garroter Crab | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Gbahali (Postosuchus) | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Gearforged Templar | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Gelatinous Cube | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gerridae | fey | Large fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghast | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ghast of Leng | aberration | Large aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Ghost | undead | Medium undead, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ghost Boar | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Ghost Dragon | undead | Large undead, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Ghost Dwarf | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Ghost Knight | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghostwalk Spider | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghoul | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ghoul, Darakhul | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghoul, Imperial | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghoul, Iron | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ghoulsteed | undead | Large undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Giant Albino Bat | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Giant Ant | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Giant Ant Queen | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Giant Ape | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Badger | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Bat | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Boar | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Centipede | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Constrictor Snake | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Crab | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Crocodile | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Eagle | beast | Large beast, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Elk | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Fire Beetle | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Frog | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Goat | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Hyena | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Lizard | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Moth | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Giant Octopus | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Owl | beast | Large beast, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Poisonous Snake | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Rat | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Rat (Diseased) | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Scorpion | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Sea Horse | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Shark | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Shark Bowl | ooze | Huge ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Giant Sloth | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Giant Spider | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Toad | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Vampire Bat | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Giant Vulture | beast | Large beast, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Wasp | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Weasel | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Giant Wolf Spider | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gibbering Mouther | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gilded Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Glabrezu | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gladiator | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Glass Gator | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Glass Golem | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Gloomflower | plant | Tiny plant, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Gnarljak | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Gnoll | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gnoll Havoc Runner | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Gnoll Slaver | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Goat | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Goat-Man | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Goblin | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gold Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Goliath Longlegs | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Goreling | undead | Small undead, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Gorgon | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Grave Behemoth | undead | Huge undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Gray Ooze | ooze | Medium ooze, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gray Thirster | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Great Mandrake | plant | Tiny plant, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Greater Death Butterfly Swarm | swarm of tiny beasts | Huge swarm of tiny beasts, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Greater Rakshasa | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Greater Scrag | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Green Abyss Orc | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Green Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Green Hag | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Green Knight of the Woods | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Grick | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Griffon | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Grim Jester | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Grimlock | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Grindylow | aberration | Medium aberration, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Guard | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Guardian Naga | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gug | giant | Huge giant, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Gugalanna | celestial | Huge celestial, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Gulon | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Gumienniki | fiend | Small fiend, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Gynosphinx | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Gypsosphinx | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Hair Golem | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Half-Red Dragon Veteran | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hallowed Reed | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Harpy | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Haugbui | undead | Medium undead, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Haunted Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Hawk | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Heavy Cavalry | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Hell Hound | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Herald Of Blood | fiend | Huge fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Herald Of Darkness | fiend | Large fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Hezrou | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hierophant Lich | undead | Medium undead, any evil alignment. | Creature Codex |
Hill Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hippogriff | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hoard Golem | construct | Huge construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Hobgoblin | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Homunculus | construct | Tiny construct, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Horakh | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Horned Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Horned Serpent | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Hound Of The Night | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Hound of Tindalos | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Hraesvelgr The Corpse Swallower | giant | Huge giant, titan), neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Hulking Whelp | fey | Small fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Hundun | celestial | Large celestial, chaotic good. | Tome of Beasts |
Hunter Shark | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hydra | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Hyena | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ia'affrat | swarm of tiny elementals | Large swarm of Tiny elementals, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ice Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ice Maiden | fey | Medium fey, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ice Mephit | elemental | Small elemental, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ichneumon | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Idolic Deity | construct | Small construct, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ijiraq | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Imp | fiend | Tiny fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Imy-Ut Ushabti | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Incinis | elemental | Large elemental, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Infernal Knight | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Ink Devil | fiend | Small fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ink Guardian | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Inkling | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Invisible Stalker | elemental | Medium elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Iron Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Iron Sphere | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Isonade | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Jaanavar Jal | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Jackal | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Jaculus | dragon | Small dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
J'ba Fofi Spider | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Jiangshi | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Jinmenju | plant | Huge plant, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Jotun Giant | giant | Gargantuan giant, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Junk Shaman | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Kalke | fiend | Small fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Kallikantzaros | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Kapi | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Kappa | fey | Small fey, chaotic neutral or chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Karakura | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Keg Golem | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Kikimora | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Killer Whale | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
King Kobold | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Kinnara | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Kishi Demon | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Kitsune | fey | Small fey, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Knight | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Knight of the Road | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Kobold | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Kobold Alchemist | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Kobold Chieftain | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Kobold Trapsmith | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Kongamato | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Koralk (Harvester Devil) | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Korrigan | fey | Small fey, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Koschei | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Kot Bayun | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Krake Spawn | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Kraken | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Kryt | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Külmking | undead | Large undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Kuunganisha | fiend | Small fiend, any evil. | Creature Codex |
Labyrinth Keeper | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Lady in White | undead | Medium undead, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Laestrigonian Giant | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Lake Troll | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lamassu | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Lamia | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Lantern Dragonette | dragon | Tiny dragon, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Lemure | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Lemurfolk | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Lemurfolk Greyfur | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Leonino | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Leshy | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Lesser Scrag | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Library Automaton | construct | Small construct, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Lich | undead | Medium undead, any evil alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Lich Hound | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Light Cavalry | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Light Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Likho | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lindwurm | dragon | Large dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lion | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Liosalfar | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Living Shade | fey | Medium fey, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Living Star | celestial | Huge celestial, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Living Wick | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Lizard | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Lizardfolk | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Lord Of The Hunt | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Lord Zombie | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Lorelei | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lost Minotaur | undead | Large undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Lotus Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Lou Carcolh | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Loxoda | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lunar Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Lystrosaurus | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Mage | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Magma Mephit | elemental | Small elemental, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Magmin | elemental | Small elemental, chaotic neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mahoru | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Malakbel | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mallqui | undead | Medium undead, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Malphas (Storm Crow) | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mammon | fiend | Huge fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mammoth | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mamura | aberration | Small aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Manabane Scarab Swarm | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium Swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Manastorm Golem | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Mandrake | plant | Tiny plant, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Mandriano | plant | Large plant, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Manticore | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Map Mimic | aberration | Tiny aberration, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Marilith | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mask Wight | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mastiff | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Matriarch Serpentine Lamia | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Mavka | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mbielu | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Mechuiti, Demon Lord Of Apes | fiend | Gargantuan fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Medusa | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Megapede | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Merfolk | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Merrow | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mi-Go | plant | Medium plant, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Millitaur | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Mimic | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mindrot Thrall | plant | Medium plant, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Minotaur | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Minotaur Skeleton | undead | Large undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mirager | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Miremal | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mirror Hag | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Mngwa | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mold Zombie | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Monarch Skeleton | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Monkey King | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Monolith Champion | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Monolith Footman | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Moon Drake | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Moon Nymph | aberration | Medium aberration, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Moonchild Naga | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Moonlit King | fey | Medium fey, neutral good. | Tome of Beasts |
Mordant Snare | aberration | Gargantuan aberration, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Morko | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Morphoi | plant | Medium plant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Moss Lurker | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Mountain Giant | giant | Gargantuan giant, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Mud Golem | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Mule | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mummy | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Mummy Lord | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Myling | undead | Small undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Mytholabe | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Nachzehrer | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Naina | dragon | Large dragon, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Nalfeshnee | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Nalusa Falaya | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Necrophage Ghast | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Necrotic Tick | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Neophron | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Ngobou | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Nian | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Nichny | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Night Hag | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Night Scorpion | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Nightgarm | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Nightgaunt | aberration | Large aberration, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Nightmare | fiend | Large fiend, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Nihilethic Zombie | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ningyo | aberration | Small aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Nkosi | humanoid | Medium humanoid (shapechanger, nkosi), lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Nkosi Pridelord | humanoid | Medium humanoid (shapechanger, nkosi), lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Nkosi War Ostrich | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Noble | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Noctiny | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Nodosaurus | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Ochre Jelly | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Octopus | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Oculo Swarm | swarm of tiny aberrations | Large swarm of Tiny aberrations, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ogre | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ogre Chieftain, Corrupted | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ogre Zombie | undead | Large undead, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Oliphaunt | beast | Gargantuan beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
One-Headed Clockwork Dragon | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Oni | giant | Large giant, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Oozasis | ooze | Gargantuan ooze, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Ophanim | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Orc | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Orobas Devil | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Orthrus | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ostinato | aberration | Medium aberration, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Oth | aberration | Large aberration, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Otyugh | aberration | Large aberration, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ouroban | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Ouroboros | dragon | Huge dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Owl | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Owl Harpy | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Owlbear | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Pact Drake | dragon | Small dragon, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Pact Lich | undead | Medium undead, any evil alignment. | Creature Codex |
Panther | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Paper Drake | dragon | Small dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Paper Golem | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Paper Golem Swarm | constructs | Medium constructs, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Pattern Dancer | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Pech | elemental | Small elemental, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Pech Lithlord | elemental | Small elemental, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Pech Stonemaster | elemental | Small elemental, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Pegasus | celestial | Large celestial, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Peluda Drake | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Phantom | undead | Medium undead, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Phase Spider | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Philosopher's Ghost | ooze | Medium ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Piasa | dragon | Large dragon, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Pillar of the Lost Magocracy | construct | Huge construct, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Pishacha | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Pit Fiend | fiend | Large fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Pixiu | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Planetar | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Plaresh | fiends | Medium fiends, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Plesiosaurus | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Poisonous Snake | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Polar Bear | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Pombero | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Pony | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Possessed Pillar | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Preta | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Priest | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Prismatic Beetle Swarm | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Pseudodragon | dragon | Tiny dragon, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Psoglav Demon | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Purple Slime | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Purple Worm | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Putrid Haunt | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Qorgeth, Demon Lord Of The Devouring Worm | fiend | Gargantuan fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Quasit | fiend | Tiny fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Queen Of Night And Magic | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Queen Of Witches | fey | Large fey, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Quickstep | fey | Small fey, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Quiet Soul | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Quipper | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Qwyllion | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Rageipede | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Rakshasa | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ramag | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ramag Portal Master | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Rat | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Rat King | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ratatosk | celestial | Tiny celestial, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ratatosk Warlord | celestial | Small celestial, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ratfolk | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ratfolk Mercenary | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ratfolk Rogue | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ratfolk Warlock | humanoid | Small humanoid, any alignment. | Creature Codex |
Rattok | fiend | Small fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Raven | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Ravenala | plant | Large plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Ravenfolk Doom Croaker | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ravenfolk Scout | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Ravenfolk Warrior | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Razorleaf | plant | Medium plant, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Red-Banded Line Spider | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Red Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Red Hag | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Redcap | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Reef Shark | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Remorhaz | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Rhinoceros | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Riding Horse | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Rift Swine | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Rime Worm Grub | elemental | Medium elemental, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Rimewing | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Ring Servant | construct | Large construct, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Risen Reaver | undead | Large undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
River King | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Roachling Lord | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Roachling Scout | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Roachling Skirmisher | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Roc | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Roggenwolf | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Roper | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Rotting Wind | undead | Large undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Rubezahl | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ruby Ooze | ooze | Medium ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Rug of Smothering | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Rum Gremlin | fey | Tiny fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Rusalka | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Rust Drake | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Rust Monster | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Saber-Toothed Tiger | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Sahuagin | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Salamander | elemental | Large elemental, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Salt Devil | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Salt Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Sammael | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Sand Hag | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sand Silhouette | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sand Spider | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Sandman | celestial | Medium celestial, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Sandwyrm | dragon | Large dragon, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Sap Demon | ooze | Small ooze, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sarcophagus Slime | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sathaq Worm | elemental | Huge elemental, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Satyr | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Savager | beast | Large beast, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Scheznyki | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Scitalis | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Scorpion | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Scorpion Cultist | humanoid | Medium humanoid (any race), neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Scout | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Sea Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sea Hag | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Sea Horse | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Selang | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sentinel in Darkness | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Serpentfolk of Yig | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Serpentine Lamia | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Serpopard | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Servant of the Vine | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Servant of Yig | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Shabti | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadhavar | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Shadow Beast | fey | Medium fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Blight | plant | Small plant, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Shadow Fey | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Fey Ambassador | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Shadow Fey Duelist | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Fey Enchantress | humanoid | Medium humanoid (shadow fey), lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Fey Forest Hunter | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Fey Guardian | humanoid | Large humanoid, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shadow Fey Poisoner | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Shadow Goblin | humanoid | Small humanoid, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Shadow Ooze | ooze | Medium ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Shadow River Lord | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Shadow Skeleton | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Shambling Mound | plant | Large plant, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Shantak | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Shard Swarm | constructs | Medium constructs, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Sharkjaw Skeleton | undead | Large undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shellycoat | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Shield Guardian | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Shockwing | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Shoggoth | aberration | Huge aberration, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Shoreline Scrapper | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Shrieker | plant | Medium plant, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Shroud | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Sigilian | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Silver Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Simhamukha | celestial | Huge celestial, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Simurg | celestial | Gargantuan celestial, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Skein Witch | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Skeleton | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Skin Bat | undead | Small undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Skitterhaunt | ooze | Large ooze, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Skull Drake | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Skull Lantern | undead | Tiny undead, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Sleipnir | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Slow Storm | elemental | Huge elemental, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Sluagh Swarm | swarm of tiny fey | Medium swarm of Tiny fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Smaragdine Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Snow Cat | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Snow Hag | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Snow Queen | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Solar | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Son Of Fenris | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Song Angel | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |
Sootwing | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Sooze | aberration | Medium aberration, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Soul Eater | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Spark | elemental | Tiny elemental, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Spawn Of Akyishigal | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Spawn Of Arbeyach | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Spawn of Chernobog | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Speaker to the Darkness | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Specter | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Spectral Guardian | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Spider | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Spider Drake | dragon | Large dragon, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Spider Of Leng | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Spider Thief | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Spinosaurus | beast | Gargantuan beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Spire Walker | fey | Tiny fey, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Spirit Lamp | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Spirit Naga | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Spree | fiend | Small fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Sprite | fey | Tiny fey, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Spy | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Star Drake | dragon | Large dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Star Spawn Of Cthulhu | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Steam Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Steam Mephit | elemental | Small elemental, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Stirge | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Stone Giant | giant | Huge giant, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Stone Golem | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Storm Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Storm Lord | elemental | Huge elemental, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Storm Spirit | elemental | Medium elemental, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Stryx | monstrosity | Tiny monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Stuhac | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Stygian Fat-Tailed Scorpion | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Subek | humanoid | Large humanoid, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Succubus/Incubus | fiend | Medium fiend, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Sunset Raptor | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Suppurating Ooze | ooze | Medium ooze, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Suturefly | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Swamp Adder | beast | Small beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Swarm of Bats | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Beetles | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Centipedes | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Insects | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Poisonous Snakes | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Quippers | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Rats | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Ravens | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Spiders | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swarm of Wasps | swarm of tiny beasts | Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Swolbold | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Tar Ghoul | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Tarrasque | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Temple Dog | celestial | Medium celestial, good. | Tome of Beasts |
Terror Bird | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
The Barbed | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Thorned Sulfurlord | fiend | Huge fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Thread-Bound Constrictor Snake | construct | Huge construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Three-Headed Clockwork Dragon | construct | Huge construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Three-Headed Cobra | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Thuellai | elemental | Huge elemental, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Thug | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any non-good alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Thursir Giant | giant | Large giant, neutral evil (50%) lawful evil (50%). | Tome of Beasts |
Tiger | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Titanoboa | beast | Gargantuan beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Tophet | construct | Huge construct, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Tosculi Drone | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Tosculi Elite Bow Raider | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Tosculi Hive-Queen | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Tosculi Jeweled Drone | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Tosculi Warrior | monstrosity | Small monstrosity, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Totivillus, Scribe Of Hell | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Treacle | ooze | Tiny ooze, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Treant | plant | Huge plant, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Tribal Warrior | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Triceratops | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Troll | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Trollkin Reaver | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Trollkin Shaman | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Trollking Grunt | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Tulpa | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Tusked Crimson Ogre | giant | Large giant, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Tusked Skyfish | aberration | Large aberration, lawful good. | Tome of Beasts |
Tveirherjar | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Two-Headed Eagle | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Umbral Vampire | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Undead Phoenix | undead | Huge undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Unhatched | undead | Small undead, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Unicorn | celestial | Large celestial, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Uraeus | celestial | Tiny celestial, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Urochar (Strangling Watcher) | aberration | Huge aberration, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ursa Polaris | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Ushabti | construct | Large construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Vaettir | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Valkyrie | celestial | Medium celestial, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Vampire | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Vampire Patrician | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Vampire Priestess | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Vampire Spawn | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Vampire Warlock - Variant | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Vampiric Knight | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Vanara | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Vapor Lynx | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Vellso | fiend | Medium fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Venom Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Venom Maw Hydra | monstrosity | Huge monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Venomous Mummy | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Vesiculosa | plant | Gargantuan plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Veteran | humanoid | Medium humanoid, any alignment. | 5th Edition SRD |
Vila | fey | Medium fey, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Vile Barber | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Vine Lord | plant | Medium plant, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Vine Lord's Tendril Puppet | plant | Medium plant, lawful neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Vine Troll Skeleton | plant | Large plant, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Vines of Nemthyr | plant | Large plant, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Violet Fungus | plant | Medium plant, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Void Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Void Giant | giant | Huge giant, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Voidling | aberration | Large aberration, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Vrock | fiend | Large fiend, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Vulture | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wampus Cat | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
War Machine Golem | construct | Gargantuan construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
War Wyvern | dragon | Large dragon, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Warhorse | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Warhorse Skeleton | undead | Large undead, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Warlock's Trumpetbloom | plant | Large plant, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Wasteland Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Water Elemental | elemental | Large elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Water Horse | fey | Medium fey, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Water Leaper | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Weasel | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Weaving Spider | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Weeping Treant | plant | Huge plant, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Weirding Scroll | construct | Tiny construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Wendigo | monstrosity | Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Werebat | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Werebear | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wereboar | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Werehyena | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Wererat | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Weretiger | humanoid | Medium humanoid, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Werewolf | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wharfling | beast | Tiny beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Wharfling Swarm | swarm of tiny beasts | Large swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Whisperer in Darkness | aberration | Medium aberration, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
White Ape | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
White Dragon Wyrmling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
White Stag | celestial | Large celestial, chaotic good. | Creature Codex |
Wickerman | construct | Huge construct, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Wight | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Will-o'-Wisp | undead | Tiny undead, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wind Demon | fiend | Small fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Wind Eater | undead | Medium undead, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Wind Weasel | fey | Medium fey, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Wind's Harp | fiend | Medium fiend, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Winter Wolf | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wirbeln Fungi | plant | Small plant, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Witch Queen | humanoid | Small humanoid, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Witchlight | construct | Tiny construct, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Wizard Kobold | humanoid | Small humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Wolf | beast | Medium beast, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wolf Reaver Dwarf | humanoid | Medium Humanoid, any chaotic. | Tome of Beasts |
Wolf Spirit Swarm | swarm of medium undead | Large swarm of Medium undead, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Wolpertinger | monstrosity | Tiny monstrosity, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Wood Golem | construct | Medium construct, unaligned. | Creature Codex |
Woodwose | humanoid | Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Worg | monstrosity | Large monstrosity, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wormhearted Suffragan | undead | Medium undead, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Wraith | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wyrmling Wind Dragon | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Wyvern | dragon | Large dragon, unaligned. | 5th Edition SRD |
Wyvern Knight | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful evil. | Creature Codex |
Xanka | construct | Small construct, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Xenabsorber | aberration | Medium aberration, chaotic neutral. | Creature Codex |
Xhkarsh | aberration | Large aberration, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Xiphus | fey | Small fey, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Xorn | elemental | Medium elemental, neutral. | 5th Edition SRD |
Yaga Goo | ooze | Small ooze, neutral evil. | Creature Codex |
Yakirian | humanoid | Medium humanoid, lawful neutral. | Creature Codex |
Yann-An-Oed | aberration | Huge aberration, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Ychen Bannog | beast | Gargantuan beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Yek | fiend | Small fiend, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Young Black Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Blue Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Brass Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Bronze Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Cave Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Copper Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Flame Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Gold Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Green Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, lawful evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Light Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, neutral good. | Creature Codex |
Young Mithral Dragon | dragon | Medium dragon, neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Red Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Sea Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, neutral evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Silver Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, lawful good. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Spinosaurus | beast | Huge beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Void Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Young Wasteland Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Young White Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Young Wind Dragon | dragon | Large dragon, chaotic neutral. | Tome of Beasts |
Zanskaran Viper | beast | Large beast, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Zaratan | monstrosity | Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned. | Tome of Beasts |
Zimwi | giant | Medium giant, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Ziphius | aberration | Gargantuan aberration, neutral. | Creature Codex |
Zmey | dragon | Huge dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Zmey Headling | dragon | Medium dragon, chaotic evil. | Tome of Beasts |
Zombie | undead | Medium undead, neutral evil. | 5th Edition SRD |
Zoog | aberration | Tiny aberration, chaotic evil. | Creature Codex |
Zoryas | celestial | Medium celestial, lawful good. | Creature Codex |